Monday, November 23, 2015


The "story" of my drawing is someone very quiet and just kind of going through the most pleased with the hands and the sleeve. I chose to make the background very simple with a glowing shape around the person to enhance the quietness of the picture. I think my edges in the hands are very effective with their both sharp and softness. 

Gesture drawing examples

Portraits That I Liked

I really liked these two drawings mainly because of their use of the background and their accuracy in the anatomy. The top ones background is really effective and complete and helps to show the person in the drawing is probably crazy. The bottom ones background is really cool and actually reminds me of everything that is going on in Paris right now and I think that's why I like it so much. I mainly like the shading and edges in the bottom picture because it kinda moves my focus to the areas that are of more importance. The prop (mask) in the top one is really cool because it ties the entire picture together and shows the whole story of the person in the drawing

Monday, November 2, 2015

Egg Drawing

I used sharp edges on the parts of the egg that were closer to me and more in front. Then in the parts that were further away or not a focal point I made them blurry. On the bottom of both eggs I made them extremely blurry and a kind of gradient to contrast the black v. white. Also on the further edges i made them more blurry and out of focus because they weren't the main focal point to me. Overall I actually really like how the left egg turned out. My background helps move to the emphasis of the piece by the contrast of the line that goes through the piece and the "table" that the eggs are on. The contrast is really well against the top part of the left egg because it really makes it stand out and drives your attention towards it