Monday, September 28, 2015

Henrik Drescher Art I Liked

This was definitely the favorite piece of art from Henrik Descher because I really liked how the background color was fingerprints of differing color and how he simply just drew his portrait of Pablo Picasso over it. I think this was actually very creative yet simple.

I also thought this piece was really interesting and unique. I liked his use of marks on the people on the motorcycle and the grass. And his use of visual hierarchy so that we can seethe road gets closer. I also thought it was really unique how Henrik Drescher made the road appear to be coming out of the rider's eye. 

Friday, September 25, 2015

Modeled Line Drawing

I used drawing tools and lines to show how close and far various parts of the thing (I have absolutely no idea what it is), were. I used really dark and thick compared to to the really light and almost not existent as we go farther away.  I think my lines were also really effective at showing that the object was round in some areas (handle) and flat or sharp in others (metal part on the end).

This was the day I couldn't use charcoal, so I think my use of materials of the graphite pencils and powdered graphite were still effective at showing how the object was round towards the center of the mug and fatter towards the base of it. I think my use of thicker powdered graphite was effective at showing that that part was closer than the inside of the mug which was hardly detailed and very light.

Mass gesture

I used my drawing tools in a creative way to show that the bottom right of the bone is close and really bold and detailed, rather than the top right which has slim to no detail and extremely light. I also think "wiping" and smearing over the top left was effective in showing that it was farther away.

I used my drawing tools in a creative way to show that the hammer part of the hammer was closer to me than the handle part in the top left. I think I was effective in showing that the hammer was close because it is very detailed compared to the handle. By actually clouding the handle I could show that it was farther away and less detailed compared to the actual "focal point"

Cumulative drawing

I used lines to describe the form of the subject by showing the roundness of the bone in the bottom right corner. I also used lines in the middle part of the bone to describe how it continues to stays round up to the top of the bone. I think my variety of media was very effective to make my drawing unique. I really liked how some of my lines went through the drawing and others stayed behind the bone. Also, I really liked how my lines went from light to dark as they went further into the background. I think the paint was effective at kind of making a cloud over the top right of the bone to show that it is farther away.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

My favorite HW assignment

I thought this drawing was really cool and creative in the way that they used color and visual hierarchy. By putting that (I think it's a planet) close to the bottom and the arm coming out farther away from it helped to show that the person was reaching for it and overall, it was just really cool to look at. The planet being placed at the lower part of the page showed that it was closer to us, and the arm is higher up on the page which gave me the impression that someone else  was reaching to grab the planet

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pipe Drawings

Pipe # 1

This drawing shows my creativity because this pipe was did not follow any of the rules that the other pipes did. I mostly used the charcoal pencil and mostly the white eraser. I think my use of eraser was very effective in showing the highlights that were on the pipe.

Pipe #2
This drawing shows my creativity because I believe I effectively used the relationships between the lights and darks in my drawing. I believe that my use of eraser on the tip of the pipe was very effective at making it appear "shiny". And then my use of charcoal helped to enhance my lights which made my darks appear even darker.

Pipe #3
I think this drawing is very creative in the aspect that I smeared the original drawing into the background very slightly and then brought it back and enhanced it with the use of charcoal and eraser. Overall I think this drawing was far more creative than the previous two drawings.

Pipe #4

I think this drawing is by far the riskiest drawing that I did. I originally drew the pipe very carefully and accurately. Then I decided that I wanted to take a risk (because I was sick of drawing the same thing) and actually took my hand and 'destroyed' the drawing and then covered my hands in charcoal and made hand prints on the drawing and made a cloud over the drawing. I then brought back the important aspects of the pipe with the eraser which was very effective.

Pipe #5
I think this drawing was very creative and risky in an aspect that I decided to incorporate water to make my darks darker. I also think that I was fairly effective in my highlights using the eraser to appear shiny. If I could change one thing I would try to blend my lights and darks a little better.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Single Line Self

1. I creatively used two sheets of paper in my drawing to complement and flow with the way I was sitting. The shape of my paper does not really mean anything, I really just placed them the way I was sitting.
2. I (for the most part) used the 'continuous line drawing' technique. It did take me awhile to figure it out, but when I did, I did use the technique.
3. If I were to make this drawing better, I would do a continuous line the whole time and would use variation of line to show things that are closer and farther away.

Paper Airplane

1. I used a lot of shadows to show the form of the subject. I also used line variation to show how close and far certain areas of the paper airplane was.
2. I did not originally plan out my drawing, I began to just block it out and then adjusted the sizes as I went.
3. My drawing doesn't really show anything overly creative. If I could go back I would definitely work on the shading and overall line placement.